I wanna thank these people above (and George Lucas) for reassuring me that my original feeling, when I heard about the old gang doing another Indian Jones movie, was correct. That feeling was - "Why?"
After seeing the film last night I would have to say that it should have been rated "S" for "Silly." I was annoyed pretty much from beginning to end. If you're thinking "It's just a film, who cares?" Then I'll pull over right now and you can get out.
I have no spoilers here, but I will say that it felt more like an Indiana Jones theme park ride and
not a movie. So instead of bashing this film right away, let's take a look at why there was no need for a 4Th film.
Indian Jones and the Last Crusade was the greatest
last film in any trilogy. Fans got to learn the following:
- How Indy became terrified of snakes
- How the whip became his tool of choice
- Where he got his awesome look from
- His real name isn't Indiana
All cool info that you could probably label as "campy" if you wanted to ,but it was still done in a fun and exciting way to give fans a bunch of treats for the final film. Otherwise known as - the opposite of Indy 4.
We also got to met his Dad and they:
- Run into some Nazi trouble
- Solve the big mystery together
- All ride off into the sunset at the end...THE END!
Perfect way to close the book on the Indy story. I was ready to move on with my life with a tummy full and satisfied.
But no, in true Lucas fashion, it was time to resurrect the story and totally take a big steamy dump on it.
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is an obtuse and ridiculous idea. To me it felt like it was once a completely separate film project and then someone said, "Why not add Indiana Jones to it!"
What a mess.
It's pretty clear that making an action/adventure movie isn't brain surgery, but the Indy films were the best action/adventure films that Hollywood had to offer. Some people like to give the 2nd film ,
Temple of Doom, a bad rap. But guess what, with four Indy films out there to date -
Doom is the 3rd best...by far.
So I look back at the top of the page to those pictured above (and George Lucas) and say, "What the fuck are you guys smiling at?!"