Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Good Day

As far as local morning news, I watch Good Day New York. Don’t let the ‘Fox’ name fool you, this is local news: traffic, subway delays, weather, etc.

Now you can tune into any local TV station and get all the same morning news info, so getting good personalities to report this news is key. GDNY tries harder than any other local channel (as I’ve researched) to keep things interesting.

With that said I’d like to present to you what can only be the “jumping the shark” moment in the team’s efforts to be super personable. It’s called 'The Good Day' and makes me wonder what their brainstorming sessions are like.

When you begin the video the first thing you’ll want to do is stop and enjoy ANYTHING else on the Internet. It’s some of the newscasters dancing in the streets of NYC and encouraging the public to join them. Now this isn’t just any dance; it’s a specific dance with instructions and encouragement.

Do what I do and try to think about these reporters as people that someday want to get the call to the big leagues - prime time news. Look into their forced smiles and see the glimmer of a more respectable career dim away to utter darkness as they “Push right, bring it left, roll low, go high & clap.”

Worried that you’ll get lost in this unfamiliar choreography? Don’t be. There’s a quick tutorial before the organized sadness.


Anonymous said...

I washed my hands of Good Day NY when Dave Price left

so'c said...

b - You should go back to them because as you can see, things have gotten a lot better.

suzy said...

i can't believe you exposed me to that.

soapy t said...
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soapy t said...

i am so uncomfortable and dirty and embarrassed. i want to take back the night so to speak. i just took a rape shower. i'm seeing something and i'm saying something.

Peter Yezukevich said...

Umm...in Boston we're made to believe that New York is cool. Is this atrocity just a localized misstep or is it symptomatic of a douche-chilling uncoolness permeating the land of Spike Lee and Bill Irwin? Please advise.

so'c said...

Holy crap, Pedro Martinez?!