Friday, May 2, 2008

Trailer Park Supervisor Jim Lahey

Here’s a list of the most memorable drunks in movie history. It’s pretty good, but not great. There’s one character missing and that’s trailer park supervisor Jim Lahey.

You can find this inebriated wonder in 'Trailer Park Boys: The Movie.' The film is a continuation of the popular Canadian comedy show 'Trailer Park Boys.' Lahey was once a police offer who lost his job back in 1977 due to a prank pulled by trailer park resident kids. Now that the kids are all grown up: Ricky (pot dealer), Julian (criminal mastermind of the park with heists including robbing parking meters) and Bubbles (steals broken shopping carts from the market, fixes them, and then sells them back to the market) are feeling Lahey’s wrath as he makes it his mission to get these three kicked out of the trailer park which they love so much.

The show has been a hit in Canada for all of its seven seasons and last year the movie was released in the U.S. If you like great characters and hearing the word “fuck” used as a noun, verb, adverb and adjective a lot - then this show is for you.

Here’s a quick clip of Mr. Lahey explaining to Randy (his bulbous, shirtless sidekick) why he needs the booze to get the job done. You can find tons of Trailer Park Boys Youtube clips if you feel the need venture further into this Canadian masterpiece.


Anonymous said...

Lahey is absolutely the greatest screen drunk ever. Period. End of story. He lives in the eye of a shitacane, and picks off shitbirds for a living. If you disagree, watch out...there's a shit storm a comin'.

so'c said...

Let's all crack open a nice cold (or warm) Clamato & Budweiser in honor of Mr. Lahey!

Heath said...

I am totally unfamiliar with this. Thanks Furthest Point! You have brought something special into my life...

generic cialis said...

Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites