Thursday, May 29, 2008

What Happened?

Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan has come out with a book called 'What Happened.' Not a bad title but I think it's missing one of these "?" at the end because Scott knew nothing.

How would I know of such things?

Well I used to watch his press conferences. It didn't matter what the topic was, the answer was always something along the lines of "I cannot comment on that right now...That subject is currently under investigation right now..." etc. So how could a guy whose job was to answer questions, but never had any answers, write a book about what happened?

These press conferences were amazing (I hope they put them all on dvd someday). Scotty was sent out there to get DESTROYED by the press on a daily basis. He never had an answer for anything so he just dragged out his no answer (poorly I might add) and the press just drooled. What a great time to be a reporter. They caught him in lies and contradictions so often that I actually started to feel bad for the guy. All that squirming and sweating must have given him Grand Canyon sized ulcers.

Here's a clip of Scott (not) answering questions about Karl Rove. The reporters actually laugh at some of his answers. He was the Rodney Dangerfield of the White House. Yup, no respect.

FYI- This clip is kinda crappy quality but you'll be glad that you can't really see the look of desperation and fear on Scott's face. Also this clip is a juggernaut that starts slow but just keeps pickin' up steam as it goes. Have patience because it gets worse every minute.


Anonymous said...

GWB Press Secretary -- toughest job in the history of jobs?

McC's briefings were a treat to watch, and made CSPAN4 a "favorited" channel on my office TV. No matter how easily he lied and ducked and dived... I could always sit back in my chair, point to him and think, "THAT guy's having a worse day than I."

And now we've got Dana Perino, who is every bit as deceitful, but she's just SO GODDAMNED LOVEABLE. A potent sexpot, Dana's the only name on my LILF list. (First word: "Liars.")

When I first saw this...
...on TV, I rewound it over and over, hungrily devouring every delicious morsel of her girlish playfulness.

Dana, I know those Republican meanies make you say terrible things. I forgive you. Come and get your love.

so'c said...

Man, how bad where you waiting for a way to mention Dana Perino? Glad I could help you out there. Run Dana, RUN AWAY!!!

Anonymous said...

He is both admirable and loathsome in his ability to, sort of, do what must be a horrible job. I also wonder if he is related to notorious, chicken shit, Civil War General George McClellen

Dool said...

I would love to leave a comment on this but I'm not allowed to leave a comment at this time.